Meet Alva Olin Karlsson

Summer worker at the Electronics Department

Please introduce yourself.

My name is Alva and I am 22 years old. Right now I am studying to become a civil engineer in technical design and product development at Linköping University. This summer I am working here at Leine Linde.

What are your job tasks?

I work in the Electronics department, and that is where we make the circuit boards that are placed in the encoders. Either you work on planning the jobs. Then you make sure that all components are loaded in the magazines that go into the machine, to ensure that there is a continuous flow in the production. Or you operate the machine. Then you check that the machine places the components correctly on the panels before sending them into the oven, which then solders these pieces together. I can also work with finishing work. This is where you manually mount components that cannot be mounted by the machine. We either solder or glue them on, and then, finally, cut out the circuit boards before they are sent to the final assembly. That is what I do.

What is it like to work here?

Well, it is good! It is a whole new environment for me to be in, so it has been very educational.

Why did you apply for the job?

When I applied for Leine Linde, I wanted to find new work experience in the technology industry, because that is where I will be working with when I graduate. On top of that, I have also gained knowledge about production and how that works. I think it can be quite a good experience to have when I become an engineer in the future. I will know how a production line works.

What happens after the summer job?

In the autumn, I will start on my master's degree, so I have two more years left to study. I will specialize in design. After that, I will see which opportunities there are and where I will end up working. But I do not know that now. We will see.